Will HVAC Prices Decrease in 2023?

General inflation, rising labor costs and supply shortages have already caused a surge in HVAC costs in recent years, but new regulations have pushed prices to unprecedented heights. Homeowners and small businesses can benefit from understanding the upcoming changes to HVAC systems and equipment. As your local HVAC experts, Team Air-zona is committed to making energy-efficient heating and cooling accessible to everyone. The new SEER2 standards may require you to consider replacing your air conditioning system now if you want to save money in the future.

The new testing standard does not necessarily affect your current HVAC system, but energy efficiency adjustments will result in higher HVAC prices in the future. Along with the phasing out of a popular refrigerant for residential cooling systems, the air conditioning industry is exploring the possibility of carrying out a major renovation of existing heating and cooling systems. Add to this rising inflation, costs and labor retention issues, and many homeowners are facing high air conditioning prices and long waits for simple “air conditioning” service close to home. If your system uses a refrigerant that does not harm the ozone layer and is less than 12 years old, you may be wondering why you should still consider the price.

Although these changes are ultimately for the better, staying informed is essential to adapting to the new landscape of the HVAC industry. Previous changes in energy conservation guidelines for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems have significantly reduced CO2 emissions, prompting the Department of Energy to strive for even lower carbon dioxide emissions with updated systems. Smart Service offers flexible software solutions for HVAC companies looking for help adapting to upcoming changes in the heating and cooling industries. Essentially, these new test conditions will provide better data values and metrics to more accurately determine the performance of an installed HVAC system.

The new test requirements will help accurately describe the general influence of ductwork and external static pressure for HVAC products on the market. As HVAC manufacturers rush to ensure their units meet the new requirements, Arizona homeowners are wondering what this could mean for them. The main way that upgrading your home's HVAC system can save you money is by reducing total energy costs and lowering your electricity bills. While this means that manufacturing and purchasing HVAC systems cost more, the effect of these systems on the environment is essential in combating climate change.

The Department of Energy's new standards for energy-efficient appliances mean that older, lower-priced units will no longer be available on the market.